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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Which programming language is the best?

This is a common question which any programmer would encounter.Well I would say there is no answer for this question,but there can be an answer for the below question.

What is the best programming language for ............ purpose?

Now that is what makes the difference.The PURPOSE.There are specific programming languages which perform well in certain cases.All we got to do is to select the suitable programming language for our purpose.For instance,Java is the most commonly used programming language these days,but still,we can not say that it is the best programming language.

A beginner would be more comfortable with Python because of its easy to learn syntax.So when a beginner starts to learn something like Python instead of Java,it gives him a good foundation in thinking like a programmer.That would lead him to adore any programming language there after.So in my point of view,Python or Visual Basic would be the best for a beginner.

"It is not the semicolon which matters,it is the way you think"

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